Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Texas Abortion

      If there is an entity literally inside of a woman's body; sentient or not, fully human or not; literally using her body to sustain itself without her permission, threatening her emotional or physical well-being, it is ABSOLUTELY her right to remove it. This type of argument would not hold up in ANY other legal area. If I was living in your house, you would have the right to remove me no matter what the consequences to me were. If I needed your organs or use of your body to survive, you would have the right to deny me even if it meant my death, and even if you had already passed and were no longer using your body. and by denying a pregnant woman her biological autonomy, not only are you granting a fetus more rights than ANY LIVING PERSON EVER, you are granting a woman LESS rights than a corpse.
     Does it ever cross your mind who is going to support those children who result from this law? ...NOT the state of Texas, I bet you! They condemn the children, their mothers, and all who labor to do their best for children to poverty, poor/nonexistent health care, and lives of hopelessness and despair. If these men were FORCED to give birth, I bet a lot of such laws would change overnight. What a mockery of justice! huh.


  1. When you said "it is ABSOLUTELY her right to remove it", you did not mention that abortion is removing an incoming baby which will cause his/her death which is a murder. The number of American babies killed by abortion each year is roughly equal to the number of U.S. military deaths that have occurred in all of the wars that the United States has ever been involved in combined ( http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/19-facts-about-abortion-in-america-that-should-make-you-very-sick ). And don't you think that no one except God can take away life. You said "who is going to support those children", before the women have sex, she has to take the responsibility. The State of Texas did not just liked to put the law to stop abortion but the State did it because abortion may cause the death of the women, and it is a crime to kill a baby.

    "If these men were FORCED to give birth, I bet a lot of such laws would change overnight", for me it is not question of men or women, it is about the responsibility and no one has the right to kill an incoming baby. IT IS INHUMANE!!

    1. First of all a fetus does not have completely developed organs, feelings, or thoughts as a living BABY has. An embryo or a fetus is not a person, therefore, it is not murder. Plus there's no way a fetus can have more importance than women. Women can think, feel and have the right to make their own decisions.How would I feel if I were an aborted fetus? Answer: Nothing. I wouldn't feel anything. Why? I can't think. Do you have any memories of when you were in the womb? I think no.Do you really think that it is ONLY the women responsibility to think about the consequences before having sex when you said "before the women have sex, she has to take the responsibility" FYI it takes two to get it done!
      And don't try to tell me that women are not responsible because they can take birth control because birth control is only 99% effective.
      Finally, one of the main reasons women have abortions is because it can interfere with her education or career goals.Why? Because most men don't want to deal with the idea that if the woman gets pregnant it is the responsibility of BOTH to take care of the situation.Either way, the end result is poverty for both the woman and the child. Statistics show that those who live in poorer communities are more likely to commit crime than those in the middle and upper class. More specifically, this will also mean that the murder rate will be lower than it would have been without abortion. In that case, abortion will save more lives of innocent civilians.
      In conclusion, saying that we need to end abortion for the sake of saving lives is not valid, as it is very clear that more lives will be saved with abortion.

  2. I agree, a woman should have the option to have an abortion if that is what she chooses. It's her body, therefore it should be her decision. However, I believe that there should be some regulation on how far along into the the pregnancy the mother can be before abortion is no longer an option. I think once a fetus becomes viable it should then be illegal to abort.

    I also agree there is not a very good foster care program in place for children who are given up for adoption. Maybe focusing on making that option more appealing for women considering abortion as opposed to demonizing them would be a more effective way to lessen the number of women who choose abortion.

    We as a society just use scare tactics and abstinence (which is a completely unrealistic expectation) to teach sex education. Instead of taking rights away from women, maybe we could focus on educating children and young adults on the different forms of contraception to help lessen the number of unwanted pregnancies, consequently lowering the number of abortions.
